Music and Coffee: A Match Made at Uplands Roast
We love and share both coffee and records all day long. Our whole team are trained to operate our club-standard DJ booth (vinyl) as well as our speciality coffee standard brewing tools. As Scotland is not tropical and Vietnam is, amazing as it is … we don’t grow our coffee. Though we are fortunate enough to be able to carry out the rest of the processes involved taking your coffee from bean to cup. We take care of stages 3 - 7 (below), which allows us to carefully manage the journey of the process and provide a truly unique, mad, musical and magical product.
Serving with Sounds
Our whole team are trained to operate our club standard DJ booth and vinyls as well as our speciality coffee standard brewing tools.
How is music the same as coffee?
1. The Seeds & The Samples
The one who selects the base ingredient and decides how to prepare this for its journey ahead.
2. The Farmer & The Producer
Both take from the previous and combine knowledge, style and preference to produce a semi-finished product.
3. The Roaster & The Mastering of the Track
Taking the producers magical combination of ingredients and elements the folk at this stage selecting which subtle flavours/.sounds to highlight and how they will come together in the final mix/brew. More body? More Bass?
4.The Distributor & The Record Label
Distributes and promotes the work of the master mixer.
5. The Cafe & The Venue
Hosts the ceremony, ensuring all logistics and safety are harmonious for the the proceedings of the day. Providing the economic backbone of the art.
6. The Barista & The DJ
Selects their favourite works and chooses how to present them in their own style. Whether to filter them, play them on vinyl, grind them fine or smooth or try and bring out a particular flavour/baseline.
7. The Latte Art & The MC
Given the parameters of what is previously set out, the MC works diligently to compliment the work of the Barista, adding the extra creamy notes of magic on the top to really to bring out the best in the set - menu.
And the Crowd Goes Wild …
For more Uplands Roast Music, check out our playlists on Spotify